
Om oss

Vi är ett litet familjeägt företag som finns i centrala Malmö mellan Triangeln och Davidshallstorg och även i Åhus i nordöstra Skåne. Hos oss på Hot Yoga House är ALLA välkomna, det spelar ingen roll vilken bakgrund du har. Vi erbjuder en välkomnande, avslappnande och prestigelös plats och här hittar du Hot & Warma Yoga klasser varje dag! Olika klasser och tidslängd så att just Du kan hitta vad som passar dig.

En stor missuppfattning är att du måste vara på ett visst sätt att göra yoga – det finns ingen stereotyp yogi / yogini – yoga är här för alla oavsett erfarenhet, storlek, ålder och så vidare och det vill vi på Hot Yoga House verkligen bevisa. Vi strävar efter att ta emot var och en av er med respekt och öppenhet. Vår syn på yoga är att det skall vara roligt och lättsamt, prestigelöst men samtidigt utmanande – varmt välkommen!

HYH Studio Policy

Före klass

  • Mobilfri zon – stäng av din mobiltelefon och eller sätt på flygläge, gäller även smartklocka. Detta gäller även i receptionen.
  • Incheck öppnar 20min innan klass.
  • Kom i tid! Se till att du är på plats ca 15min innan klass och inne i yogsalen redo senast 5min innan start.
  • Vi stänger incheck 5 min innan klassen börjar. Detta är vi strikta med för att respektera de andra som varit i tid och för att kunna hålla klasstiderna. 
  • Checka in i receptionen genom att säga ditt namn. 
  • Vänta i hallen tills salen är redo om där varit klass innan.
  • Våra sinnen blir extra känsliga i värmen och med yogan så vänligen inga starka dofter!
  • Kommer du direkt efter en lång arbetsdag är du välkommen till en snabb avsköljning innan du går in i salen för klass.
  • Har du någon skada, sjukdom, är nyopererad, gravid eller något annat är det ditt ansvar att prata med oss innan du tar klass.

Under klass / i yogasalen

  • Tystnad i yogasalen – respektera de runt omkring som kanske väljer att meditera innan / efter sin klass
  • Lämna värdesaker i skåp eller omklädningsrum; endast yogamatta, handduk och vattenflaska i salen
  • Det är normalt att känna sig yr eller illamående i början. Kroppen vänjer sig mer vid värmen för varje klass du kommer. Ta det lugnt, sitt ner, fokusera på att andas lugnt genom näsan och när du är redo häng på igen!
  • Följ lärarens instruktioner; hitta ej på egna rörelser eller positioner
  • Stanna på din egna yogamatta
  • Vi stannar i yogasalen hela klassen. Sista savasanan (avslappning) är en av de viktigaste delarna av din klass – denna skippar vi ej
  • Använd träningskläder, inga underkläder och inga skor eller strumpor

efter klass

  • Lämna tyst
  • Svettas du mycket så vänligen torka upp dina pölar så ingen annan halkar i det. Mopp och hink finns att låna 
  • Kom ihåg även omkläd är mobilfri zon. Respektera dina yogavänner och inga videosamtal eller selfies är tillåtna.
  • Vi är många som vill duscha så en snabb avsköljning så alla hinner.
  • Kläder och matta tvättar vi hemma och även rakning och hårfärgning när du kommer hem.
  • Vi stänger studion 25min efter avslutad klass. Vänligen respektera detta och se till att du hunnit med det du ska inom dessa 25min så vi och lärare kommer ut i tid.
  • Vi ansvarar ej för kvarglömda saker. De sparas i vår Lost & Found kista och ligger kvar ca 2 veckor.

Team Malmö

Annika Rosic Escalante

Owner & Instructor

How and when did you get into yoga?

I took my first class 2001, didn’t know very much about yoga but I had heard so many good things about it that I just had to give it a go. It was definitely different to all other forms of exercise I was used to, was this really going to give me the workout I was looking for, as that was the aim at that time. Shortly thereafter I moved to London, which is where my real yoga path started. I tried all different types of yoga; Sivananda, Classical Hatha, Vinyasa, Bikram yoga etc. It was only when I actually stepped up my practise that I started seeing all the amazing benefits that came with it; so much more than just a form of exercise. I went through some really stressful times while excelling my career in London within Finance, working long hours, studying at the same time, family, socialising, working out and much more, that I am quite certain it was my yoga practise that helped me stay steady and keep going. ‘It helped me find a balance, to de stress and find mental clarity’ in other words ‘Survive’. This is when I decided to change my life and gave up my office work and studies to take my first yoga teacher training in 2010. I have never looked back and have since worked full time teaching yoga and running yoga studios. Yoga today is so much more than just a physical exercise.

What do you do in your spare time?

My family, husband and 3 kids keep me busy! I spend a lot of time in the nature and in our garden.

What makes you happy?

Discovering new places – locally and abroad 🙂 Sunshine, sea, good food, my family and friends and so much more!

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: 2 at the moment! camel pose and standing bow pulling pose                        

Least Favourite:  Full Locust



How and when did you get into yoga?

I have been an entrepreneur for many years and have always believed in following my dreams no matter what. The most important aspect of this philosophy is to plan and execute so these dreams come to fruition. The way I got involved in the world of yoga is through Annika – it had always been her dream to have her own studio after managing studios for other people. So when we moved from the UK to Sweden, we decided to give it a go and create this beautiful journey and create not the biggest but the nicest and friendliest Yoga place in Malmö together with our great team.

What do you do in your spare time?

When I’m not working I try to enjoy my passion for cooking; cooking in a fun way with my little girls and spending as much time with them and Annika as possible.

What makes you happy?

I’m easy going and a lot of simple things make me happy. I love to please my family and see them smiling and that makes me happy. It also makes me happy when I see a project coming through or simply to wake up and know that my family is in good health and good spirits.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Triangel pose (Bikram style) 

Least Favourite: Awkward pose – as I have metals in my leg and ankle from surgeries I struggle with the mobility in those areas and feel it the most while doing part 2 & 3 of the Hot Classic Awkward pose



How and when did you get into yoga?

While at a New Years Eve party me and my friends got ‘tricked’ to try Bikram yoga. 2nd January all of us went and tried a 90 minute class. Those 90 minutes felt like 300 minutes! All of us agreed that is was awful and if someone would have asked us there and then if we would continue we were all agreeing: NEVER AGAIN!

But…the feeling afterwards was just amazing and we all decided to buy an Intro card each. Quickly we all felt stronger and after only about 5-10 classes started to feel good during class too, not just afterwards! I was hooked. From that day I want to practise a hot yoga class every single day. You get stronger, more flexible, calm, happy, healthy… Everything improves!

What do you do in your spare time?

I wish I could come up with some fancy cool stuff like parachuting or something like that, but as boring as it might sound I like spending time with my family and friends when I don’t practise yoga. I have four children who I love spending time with and I’m also lucky enough to have a lot of great amazing and fun friends who I’d like to see as much as possible – so no, no parachute! 😉

What makes you happy?

To know my near and dear are healthy and well

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Standing Bow Pulling pose                     

Least Favourite:  Half Moon Pose



How and when did you get into yoga?

I took my first yoga class in 2005 when I was training as a professional gymnast. I assumed that it was going to be some easy breathing exercises and simple stretches; but to my surprise, the class was really quite challenging. I was immediately drawn to yoga and started practicing whenever I could. Yoga gave me much more focus, balance, and flexibility, which greatly improved my gymnastics performance. At the time, I considered it as a supplement to my training, but I became much more involved in it after I retired from the sport. I no longer considered yoga as a supplement to a sport, but as a practice in and of itself. Yoga provided me the opportunity to get the physical challenge I was no longer getting from gymnastics, and with the added benefit of building my body up rather than breaking it down!

What do you do in your spare time?

In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family: my sambo and my dog. We enjoy taking the dog for walks and on trips to the many dog parks around Malmö (his favorite is Ribersborgs Hundrastplats). Besides that, one of my biggest hobby is coffee. I enjoy reading about new cafés and coffee equipment, and I enjoy trying out new various coffees and brewing techniques. I also like to spend time learning about any number of subjects, spending a great deal of time reading at my computer, studying Swedish or French, or watching YouTube tutorials on how to knit. And always with a cup of coffee at my side.

What makes you happy?

I feel happy when I feel I’ve made a positive impact on someone. This is one of the largest driving forces that led me to becoming a teacher: I derive great joy when I can teach a student something, be it academic or physical. For example, I love it when I lead someone into a pose they had never done before, particularly if they never thought they could do it! Yoga is an incredible activity and can bring benefits to anyone and everyone, so when I play even the smallest role in bringing a positive yoga experience to a person or a class it makes me exceedingly happy!

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: any posture where I feel something new, interesting and nice.                                        

Least Favourite: any posture where I don’t feel anything



How and when did you get into yoga?

My contact with yoga began in 2007 when I stepped into a hot yoga class. I worked night and finished my shifts with the early morning class. In the beginning it was only a physical exercise but eventually I began to notice how regular yoga practise had an impact on my mind. I felt more balanced, calm and purposeful. My interest grew and resulted in a trip to the beautiful Kerala in India, where I trained as a yoga teacher at Yoga Vidya School hidden in between small Indian villages. I have been studying different yoga forms ever since. Yin Yoga, MediYoga and Yoga therapy and my recent interest Trauma sensitive yoga.

What do you do in your spare time?

I like the idea about therapeutical power of yoga and the idea of neuroplasticity. I believe that we can discover much more of our true potential with help of yoga and meditation. So in my spare time apart from all the nice things like getting together with the friends and travelling i love being inspired by books and pods about brain plasticity and struggle with establishing my own meditation practice.

What makes you happy?

Books, travel and cooking is what otherwise give me inner peace. I believe there are different ways to meditate and I have found mine in the middle of the kitchen. I love the silence and the moments when I get time to think and just be and also the feeling of completed something that I didn’t thing was possible before. The most important thing I’ve learned so far is that yoga is not limited to a yoga mat. Mindfulness and love for what you do in everyday life is yoga.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Dancers pose 

Least Favourite: Half Moon (when balancing on one leg



How and when did you get into yoga?

First time? In 1999. I used to live in London, Dulwich Village. One of my friends invited me to join her “favourite” class. It was a Hatha yoga class.:) No fancy studio (community hall), no fancy yoga mats and clothings, but there were a lot of kind people in that beautiful, big, bright, garden facing, old room. The class was magic. Won’t lie: here and there it was pretty challenging. Hahaha! But I loved it. Meeting my teacher, being in her class, you understood: yoga is for everyone and it is so much more just to create a perfect pose.  

Since then yoga has been in my life and helped me through my highs and lows. 

What do you do in your spare time?

It sounds like a “cliche”, but I love spending time with my family (2 kids and a husband) and friends. According to my husband and my late mother: I don’t read, I eat books. 

What else? Travelling, exploring other cultures and their foods. Long walks, mediation. Zumba (yes!). Going to the cinema. Listening to music. 

What makes you happy?

First thing:  to know that my loved ones are healthy, safe and happy. I am old school. Small things do make me happy. When I see my kids laughing.. When my husband holds my hand while we are walking… When I see the weather is bright and sunny..or even rainy (better from inside to watch thou…).  When someone smiles back or is kind to me… 

Happiness can be fragile, you can not take it for granted. 

With age and losing loved ones in my life:  I have learnt to appreciate it more. 

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite and least favourite poses – keep changing in my life. 

Right now my favourite poses: Sphinx and Warrior poses, special likes Triangle

Least favourite poses: Nja.. headstand and the crow pose.

abdul karim


How and when did you get into yoga?

My first yoga class was when my sister finally convinced me to join her into a hot Bikram yoga class in 2010. I still remember my first class and all mixed feelings that I had during the class and after the class. During the class I was sweating like never before, struggled with the asanas and the breathing, fought to stay in the room, but the best thing I was present every single minute. And the feeling and relief afterwards was a magical moment.  

My love for yoga grew for every day and in 2017 I did my first Vinyasa Hatha yoga teacher training in Costa Rica. The year after I went back to CR and did an advanced Vinyasa Hatha yoga teacher training. I continued expanding my knowledge in yoga and the last years I have been focusing on Office yoga and the Wim Hof Method and this year 2022 I just finished my Wim Hof Method instructor course. Even though I work as a yoga teacher and a Wim Hof Method instructor I will always be a student.

What do you do in your spare time?

I love spending time with my family and my two kids and do fun activites in nature. I also like doing icebaths and go out running. 

What makes you happy?

When I see my family, kids and other people happy. Travelling makes me also happy. 

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Camel pose

Least Favourite:  Locust



How and when did you get into yoga?

I started yoga in 2003 when I was in university for dance. My professor suggested yoga as a way to help my scoliosis. Not only did it help my spine, but also my busy mind and big emotions and set me off on a lifelong journey of spiritual self-discovery. In 2014 I met my guru in India which was when I really began to live the principles of yoga and meditation daily.

What do you do in your spare time?

Yoga, meditation, satsang,  good company, pilates and strength training, nature and adventures, finding good vegan food and always always dance to disco.

What makes you happy?

All above☺

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: It’s a tie between Sukhasana ’peaceful seat och meditation and  Sirsasana head stand – the king of asanas. Life is about balancing the pairs of the opposites.

Least Favourite: That’s a state of mind! Bring on the challenges! 



How and when did you get into yoga?

I got into yoga 25 years ago as a college student together with a friend, out of curiosity. We had private classes at the teacher’s place. We laughed and giggled a lot, especially the first time but looking back it never felt new or awkward, it felt as though I was fully familiar and safe with yoga as if from a previous life. I started and paused yoga countless times due to life circumstances but finally stuck with it in 2017 when I was also encouraged by a shaman to teach yoga as a living as it is my calling in life. First time I taught a class I felt like home and knew I finally found my path. Dozens of trainings and thousands of hours later I’m more passionate and dedicated than ever and have big dreams os spreading yoga, mindfulness and healing to as many as possible.

What do you do in your spare time?

I love dancing ballet and modern contemporary dance as well as train Pilates Reformer, take long walks in the nature, cook creative colourful vegetarian food and meet with friends at cozy cafés. I love watching gymnastic competitions. Oh, and I’m a huge film and musical nerd.

What makes you happy?

To Being fulfilled with my work and feeling it as my calling makes me burst with happiness. Nature. Dogs. Art in all forms. Singing, chanting and dancing. Travelling to new places. Being with my loved ones and feeding them homemade food cooked with love. Making a difference in people’s lives. Rising up stronger after a fall. Inspiring others to be strong. Observing people’s loving interactions with their loved ones (people or animals)

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Lunge, Cobra / Seal, melting heart, dragonfly, reclined twist

Least Favourite:  I avoid very deep backbends due to a sensitive lower back and anything performance -oriented



How and when did you get into yoga?

Yoga found me 15 years ago and at that time I was way too much in the head and not enough in the body even though I did different physical activites daily. With yoga I found home, back to myself. I am still a happy beginner, every day I discover how much more yoga has to teach me.

What do you do in your spare time?

Yoga also made me more aware of what and how I ate. I learned more about plant based and raw food and from there it is just a short step to my ultimate favourite sport; to grow stuff you can put in your mouth!

What makes you happy?

To teach yoga in a way that hopefully makes others more happy and comfortable in their bodies, to create tasty and beautiful food and to get a little dirt underneath my nails makes me very, very happy!

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Skulderstående             

Least Favourite: Awkward / Stolen (hörs ju på namnet 😉



How and when did you get into yoga?

Believe it or not I took my first yoga class with my brother when I was eight years old and it was a Gerri Haliwell instructional home video. Yes. My first introduction to yoga was because of a spice girl and no I do not regret it one bit.. I may or may not have taken a break for a few years after that integral introduction and found myself frequenting the mat more than the pub when I got to University… It’s a unique introduction to say the least. 

What do you do in your spare time?

I spend a lot of time reading, walking and hanging out with my partner and our big floofy Norwegian Forest cat Louie. Before my move to Sweden I was working predominantly as a freelance artist in theatre, music and cabaret so I’m looking forward to meeting all the lovely Malmö creatives and seeing the artistic scene here. 

What makes you happy

I know it’s a cliche but yoga. I love how it brings people together and is such a positive thing for mind and body. I always leave class with a smile on my face! (And usually a lot of sweat too!) Whether I’m teaching or practicing myself. 

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Headstand                                Least Favourite: Crow pose



How and when did you get into yoga?

A friend took me to my first Bikram class in 2005 and definitely it wasn’t love at first sight. In 2011 I have returned to the hot room and soon became addicted, doing 30, 60 and over 100-days challenge, as well as taking up the challenge of doing six classes in one day across six different studios

Bikram yoga has helped me to become calmer, more focused and stronger. In September 2014 I finally made it to Bikram Training in Thailand.

What do you do in your spare time?

I like reading a lot especially about Traditional Chinese medicine,  I love doing Qigong and listening to singing bowls.  Since moving to Malmo I love casual cycling and Stand Up Paddle.

What makes you happy?

Sunshine, shiny happy people, good food, going to the beach.
Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?



How and when did you get into yoga?

I was first introduced to yoga in 2007 when trying a Yin class out. That is when my interest in yoga and philosophy started. For me it was / is a journey with a lot of insights and thoughts of what is really important in life, who am I myself and my strengths and weaknesses. I was curious about the Hot Classic class as I had heard it is very ’tough and sweaty’ so I thought ’how bad can it be..?’ Truth is it felt so much worse than I expected ha haI remember thinking during the whole class; ’never again’! It was hot, sweaty and I could barely breathe, I felt sick and thought I was about to faint all the time! But, the amazing feeling and the calmness that I experienced after the class was something new for me. Unbeatable! It still surprises me every day how its actually the control of the breath that determines what I can physically do. Another important part is that I have learned to feel grateful and acceptance for what my body can do; each day is different and the journey is more important than the destiny..

What do you do in your spare time?

Yoga I work as social worker and I love to meet people and be part of their transformation and development. To be part of that and to be able to contribute to their positive changes.

What makes you happy?

Yoga Yo practise hot yoga, to be in the nature, sun and warmth makes me happy. To spend time with my family and to see people around me develop for good things.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Standing Bow.                             

Least Favourite: Ok I have 2 that came to my mind:

Camel – to let go of the control is so hard but nice.                                                              Standing Head to Knee – very challenging for my lower back   



How and when did you get into yoga?

12 years ago I visited a Bikram yoga studio for the very first time. It was a chock; the heat, the dizziness, feeling sick… I didn’t get the point at all and gave up after a few classes. It would take 10 years – my neighbour convinced me to join her to Hot Yoga House. Even this time I was overwhelmed, but in a positive way. After 3 months of regular practise my neck, shoulder and back were more mobile than and my back pain was completely gone. It was a huge difference. Since then I’ve been hooked 🙂

What do you do in your spare time?

I spend time with my family, and practise yoga of course, take long walks along the sea with my dog Barry. When ever there is an opportunity I travel to Louisiana outside Copenhagen. I love art and design in all shapes and forms.

What makes you happy?

My little granddaughter Eira makes my heart full of happiness!

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

All depending on that specific day and where in life I’m at that moment. Triangle, cobra and spinal twist has helped with my flexibility and strength of my back and neck so I like those a lot.



How and when did you get into yoga?

What do you do in your spare time?

What makes you happy?



How and when did you get into yoga?

Yoga as a practise first began in my early teenage years but it wasn’t until I visited Kerala, India, for an Ayurvedic centre in 2011 that I had the first glimpse of deep inner peace and joy in the setting of physical asana practise.

My relationship with yoga has deepened greatly over the years, and continues to move me from a place of practise to a state of being.

For me, physical practise is without a future goal. Learning to relax when tension appears or residing in our own inner centre while our bodies cycle to cause and effect, we can even in stillness experience Hatha Yoga, never stagnant and always fruitful.

What do you do in your spare time?

I have a background in culinary arts with an emphasis on holistic and plant based cooking, so I sometimes involve the aspect of food as medicine in yoga-related events. I’m active as a space-holder for meditation in lineage-based Siddha yoga and feel great joy for non-dual wisdom teachings especially derived from Kashmir Shaivism, Advaita Vedanta and Dzogchen. I enjoy writing and reading and of course to play and to be adventurous! Especially barefoot in the summer seasons with my daughter Freija and friends.

What makes you happy?

The present moment makes me happy! A calm mind makes me happy! To recognise Yoga (unity) as myself and the world, never more never less, and at times share that recognition with others, that makes me really joyous.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Hmm… Tough one.

The moment we step onto the mat we are invited to be here now. Though our experiences differ, the invitation is always the same; to be with what is. My experience of Yoga is that all modern branches of it can be a tremendous aid supporting balance, mental and physical ease needed for us to be present with life, to live in Yoga (unity), which for me, is the root of inner peace and joy.



How and when did you get into yoga?

I began practising yoga in 2015 while training to become a professional dancer. One of my teacher incorporated a full yoga warm up into our contemporary dance classes, and over time I noticed the benefits both physically and mentally. Yoga became a powerful support, especially when I was going through a challenging period with my health. During my practise I experienced a profound healing effect that went beyond the physical, and ever since yoga has been an essential part of my life. By 2020 I felt so inspired that I decided to complete my first teacher training to be able to share this incredible practise with others. My aim is to guide people in discovering their own path in life with a sense of freedom and positivity.

What do you do in your spare time?

I love spending quality time with my husband, travelling, going to the theatre and enjoying cozy meal at home with friends.

What makes you happy?

What makes me happy is doing the job that I love, balancing my life between dance and yoga and knowing that my loved ones and myself are healthy and thriving.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Half Moon Pose

Least Favourite: Side Crow

Team åhus

Annika Rosic Escalante

Owner & Instructor

How and when did you get into yoga?

I took my first class 2001, didn’t know very much about yoga but I had heard so many good things about it that I just had to give it a go. It was definitely different to all other forms of exercise I was used to, was this really going to give me the workout I was looking for, as that was the aim at that time. Shortly thereafter I moved to London, which is where my real yoga path started. I tried all different types of yoga; Sivananda, Classical Hatha, Vinyasa, Bikram yoga etc. It was only when I actually stepped up my practise that I started seeing all the amazing benefits that came with it; so much more than just a form of exercise. I went through some really stressful times while excelling my career in London within Finance, working long hours, studying at the same time, family, socialising, working out and much more, that I am quite certain it was my yoga practise that helped me stay steady and keep going. ‘It helped me find a balance, to de stress and find mental clarity’ in other words ‘Survive’. This is when I decided to change my life and gave up my office work and studies to take my first yoga teacher training in 2010. I have never looked back and have since worked full time teaching yoga and running yoga studios. Yoga today is so much more than just a physical exercise.

What do you do in your spare time?

My family, husband and 3 kids keep me busy! I spend a lot of time in the nature and in our garden.

What makes you happy?

Discovering new places – locally and abroad 🙂 Sunshine, sea, good food, my family and friends and so much more!

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: 2 at the moment! camel pose and standing bow pulling pose                        

Least Favourite:  Full Locust

ARTURO Escalante


How and when did you get into yoga?

I have been an entrepreneur for many years and have always believed in following my dreams no matter what. The most important aspect of this philosophy is to plan and execute so these dreams come to fruition. The way I got involved in the world of yoga is through Annika – it had always been her dream to have her own studio after managing studios for other people. So when we moved from the UK to Sweden, we decided to give it a go and create this beautiful journey and create not the biggest but the nicest and friendliest Yoga place in Malmö together with our great team.

What do you do in your spare time?

When I’m not working I try to enjoy my passion for cooking; cooking in a fun way with my little girls and spending as much time with them and Annika as possible.

What makes you happy?

I’m easy going and a lot of simple things make me happy. I love to please my family and see them smiling and that makes me happy. It also makes me happy when I see a project coming through or simply to wake up and know that my family is in good health and good spirits.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Triangel pose (Bikram style) 

Least Favourite: Awkward pose – as I have metals in my leg and ankle from surgeries I struggle with the mobility in those areas and feel it the most while doing part 2 & 3 of the Hot Classic Awkward pose



How and when did you get into yoga?

My first encounter with yoga was 2008, after having lived the normal ’stressful full time job with kids and running Friskis & Svettis life’. I started with physically challenging yoga like ashtanga and bikram yoga but since then I have tried and practise more kundalini, pranayama and meditation. Yoga has so much to offer for every stage in life and it is beautiful how we can master the tools and use them when we need them.

What do you do in your spare time?

Surf, surf and surf, oh yes, and lots of yoga, pranayama and meditation 🙂

What makes you happy?

Surf and friends, blue sky, glassy waves followed by yin yoga session.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Right now I enjoy Janushirasana and Camel a lot.

Least Favourite: for sure Balancing Stick pose          



How and when did you get into yoga?

Jag började yoga 2010 för att stressa ner, då hade jag mycket i mitt liv och fann att när jag yogade kunde jag släppa tankarna på allt annat.

What do you do in your spare time?

När jag inte yogar så promenerar jag gärna med min hund i skogen och vid havet.

What makes you happy?

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Min favorit position är supta vajrasana
Och jag har mest utmaningar med höftöppningar, grodan och firelog       



How and when did you get into yoga?

My yoga journey started with a teacher training here in Åhus. Fell in love with all the benefits of yoga.

What do you do in your spare time?

I love to travel and explore new places. I also love all kind of boards; snowboarding, wakeboarding and stand up paddling.

What makes you happy?

To live my life the way I want and explore the world.

Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite: Goddess variations and Wild Thing

Least Favourite: Locust      



How and when did you get into yoga?

I got into yoga in Mexico 2015 and when I came home from my trip I started at Seaside Inspiration and Hot Yoga in Åhus.I have since then visited and practised at several studios in Malmö and also joins yoga retreats in Costa Rica and Kap Verde. My first class was Hot Classic and although it was very challenging the first time I was hooked straight away. The amazing feeling of calmness that I experienced after the class was something new for me.The focus on breath and mindfulness during the practise led to reduced stress. I teach Yin which I really enjoy and I think inspiring people to find their own relationship with yoga is a great privilege.


What do you do in your spare time?

When I do have spare time; I find myself looking for new travel destinations! I also love to spend time at the beach and of course at the yoga studio.


What makes you happy?

Spending time with my family including cats, a dog and of course my friends makes me happy and whole. Discovering new places, sunshine, sea, food, music and concerts also means a lot to me.


Favourite vs least favourite yoga posture?

Favourite and least favourite: Camel – letting go of control is both difficult and a relief at the same time. And once there, you know you are close to Savasana 😉